Post-doc position in Paris on NMR of HP-He3 gas diffusion

Published: Wednesday, 28 April 2021 - 00:10 UTC

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear colleagues,

We would like to advertise a post-doc position currently open at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (ENS, Paris) for a research project carried out in collaboration with the MRS Lab (KFU, Kazan, Russian Federation) on:

MAgnetic Resonance studies of Gas diffusion In Nanoporous materials (MARGIN).

The primary goal of MARGIN is an investigation of the influence of the attractive potential of the wall on molecular gas dynamics, which is overlooked in standard diffusion models. Helium-3 will be used as a probe gas and the apparent diffusion coefficient of the atoms will be measured in a selection of porous systems such as ordered aerogels, nanopowders, etc. Numerical simulations of restricted diffusion will provide means to reliably interpret the experimental results.

At LKB, NMR and MRI experiments will be performed in a low (mT) magnetic field and at room temperature. Hyperpolarisation of 3He nuclei with laser optical pumping will be used for high sensitivity. In addition to a detailed characterization of gas diffusion mechanisms in porous media, this work is expected to yield results potentially relevant for open questions in fundamental physics that sparked renewed interest for investigation of non-standard magnetic interactions with confining walls.

The host group also remains active in high-field NMR/MRI and anticipates fruitful cross-links between research work in MARGIN and in HELPING (2021-2026, a project dealing with hyperpolarisation of noble gases at 7 T and their use for NMR/MRI/MRS applications). Involvement in the MARGIN project provides a valuable opportunity to work in a leading research lab with multi-disciplinary academic environment and to develop hands-on experience with unconventional NMR techniques. More information about MARGIN and the group’s activities can be found on

Funding is provided by a joint ANR-RSF grant (2020-2023). It secures salary for 18 to 24 months, depending on the qualifications of the recruited researcher. A PhD in physics is required; however strong candidates with a PhD (or equivalent) in engineering and highly relevant expertise will be considered. Prior work in NMR methodology or instrumentation is mandatory. Experience with noble gas optical pumping or hyperpolarisation devices is highly desirable. Send inquiries to and apply, or get access to some details about the offer, through the CNRS employment portal:

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