Amrit Venkatesh, ssNMR of Exotic nuclei, Tutorial, Tuesday, May 11, 8am California or 11 am Boston or 5pm Paris

Published: Monday, 10 May 2021 - 00:20 UTC

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear NMR Enthusiasts,

The 27th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Dr. Amrit Venkatesh, Postdoctoral Fellow, EPFL, Switzerland (Prof. Lyndon Emsley lab), on the topic:

Proton detection solid-state NMR of exotic and unreceptive nuclei

Abstract: NMR is a powerful atomic-level characterization technique but it suffers from an intrinsically poor sensitivity. Fast magic angle spinning and 1H detection in solids improve NMR sensitivity, but these are mainly applied to common spin-1/2 isotopes such as 13C, 15N, 29Si, adn 31P. Over 75% of the periodic table consists of unreceptive nuclei that are under-studied using NMR due to the lack of sensitive approaches. Here, 1H detection methods for low-gamma nuclei, half-integer quadrupolar nuclei and high-Z spin-1/2 nuclei with high chemical shift anisotropy will be discussed, with practical considerations and some recent advances.

Speaker’s biography:
2013: MSc, CHemistry, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of HIgher Learning, India
2013 - 2015: Research Fellow, M.S. University of Baroda, India
2016 - 2020: PhD, Iowa State University, USA (Prof. Aaron Rossini)
2021 - Present: Postdoctoral Fellow,EPFL, Switzerland (Prof. Lyndon Emsley)

Webinar details:
Time: Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 8:00AM California or 11:00 am Boston ** or 5:00 PM Paris or 8:30 PM Delhi

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Best regards, Global NMR Discussion Meetings


[Organizers: Adrian Draney (Creighton University Chemistry) Amrit Venkatesh (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL) Asif Equbal (Songi Han Lab, UCSB) Blake Wilson (Robert Tycko Lab, NIH) Michael Hope (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL) Mohamed Sabba (Malcolm Levitt Lab, UK) Mouzhe Xie (Maurer Lab, Uni. Chicago) PinelopiMoutzouri (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL) ] ————– next part ————– An HTML attachment was scrubbed… URL:

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