Dear NMR Enthusiasts,
We are glad to announce that the 28th Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Prof. Malcolm Levitt, University of Southampton, UK, on the topic:
“Brief Principles of Symmetry-Based Recoupling in Solid-State NMR”
Talk outline:
- High-resolution solid-state NMR requires removal of anisotropic spin interactions; useful information is conveyed by anisotropic spin interactions; having the cake while eating it.
- Rotational symmetries of the spin interactions; space, spin and field signatures
- Magic-angle spinning and spatial averaging
- Multiple-pulse NMR and spin averaging
- Combined spin/spatial/time symmetries
- Symmetry-based selection rules and space/spin selection diagrams
- C-sequences
- R-sequences
- Some examples
Speaker’s biography:
Malcolm Levitt grew up in Hull and obtained his PhD from Oxford University in 1981, under the supervision of Professor Ray Freeman. He performed postdoctoral research with Shimon Vega in Israel and Richard Ernst at the ETH in Zürich (who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1991). He was then on the research staff at the Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory at MIT, Boston, USA, for 4 years. He moved back to England as a Royal Society Research Fellow at the Centre for Superconductivity in Cambridge, before becoming a lecturer at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, where he was made a full professor in 1997. He moved back to England to take up a Professorship in Physical Chemistry at Southampton in April 2001.
Webinar details:
Time: Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 8:00AM California or 11:00 am Boston or 5:00 PM Paris or 8:30 PM Delhi
New Link:
Best regards,
Global NMR Discussion Meetings
Adrian Draney (Creighton University Chemistry)
Amrit Venkatesh (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL)
Asif Equbal (Songi Han Lab, UCSB)
Blake Wilson (Robert Tycko Lab, NIH)
Michael Hope (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL)
Mohamed Sabba (Malcolm Levitt Lab, UK)
Mouzhe Xie (Maurer Lab, Uni. Chicago)
PinelopiMoutzouri (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL) ]
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