NMR and DNP SImulations - Tutorial #DNPNMR

Published: Friday, 13 August 2021 - 00:10 UTC

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear NMR Enthusiasts,

We are glad to announce that the 33rd Global NMR Educational Tutorial will be given by Prof. Ilya Kuprov, University of Southampton, UK, on the topic:

“NMR and DNP simulations using Spinach”

Speaker’s biography:

Ilya is a world renowned magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging specialist with a particular focus on large-scale computer simulation of magnetic processes in chemical and biological systems; this includes quantum optimal control and machine learning methods.

2005: DPhil, Chemistry, University of Oxford (with Prof. Peter Hore)
2005-2010: Fellow by Examination, Magdalen College, Oxford
2007-2009: Lecturer in Chemistry, University of Durham
2009-2011: EPSRC Early Career Fellow, University of Oxford
2011-present: Associate Professor of Chemical Physics at the University of Southampton
2018-present: Associate Editor, Science Advances.

Webinar details: Time: Tuesday, August 17, 2021, 8:00AM California or 11:00 am Boston ** or 5:00 PM Paris or 8:30 PM Delhi

New Link: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/81308524368

Best regards,
Global NMR Discussion Meetings

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/GlobalNMRDiscussionMeetings/videos

Adrian Draney (Creighton University Chemistry)
Amrit Venkatesh (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL)
Asif Equbal (Songi Han Lab, UCSB)
Blake Wilson (Robert Tycko Lab, NIH)
Michael Hope (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL)
Mohamed Sabba (Malcolm Levitt Lab, UK)
Mouzhe Xie (Maurer Lab, Uni. Chicago)
PinelopiMoutzouri (Lyndon Emsley Lab, EPFL) ]