One post-doc or PhD student position is available in the NMR group of Prof. Kay Saalwächter at Halle University Germany. The project aiming at the study of molecular dynamics in various solid protein samples (protein crystals, amorphous powders, sediments) is conceived and supervised by Dr. Alexey Krushelnitsky. The successful candidate will conduct extensive experimental work on high field NMR spectrometers (1D and 2D solid-state NMR experiments on 15N, 2H and 13C enriched proteins with/without magic angle spinning, relaxometry, exchange and recoupling methods), she/he will also perform a quantitative analysis of the data, including experimental data fitting and various numerical simulations. Special emphasis is placed on low-frequency (micro- to millisecond time scale) motions. The minimum duration of the contract is one year for post-doc and two years for PhD student with possible extension. For more details and applications please contact directly Dr. Alexey Krushelnitsky,
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