43rd FGMR Discussion Meeting September 12 to 15 2022 in Karlsruhe
Dear Colleagues,
finally the time has come, the first international meeting of the Fachgruppe Magnetische Resonanz in presence since SarS-CoV-2! Personal contacts increase motivation and creativity and we are all looking forward to exchanging our ideas directly again.
The magnetic resonance community will meet in Karlsruhe in its full breadth with NMR, EPR and imaging. Partner countries this time are Austria, Switzerland and Hungary. There will be over 80 scientific talks in plenary and parallel sessions and many poster contributions on current topics, furthermore tutorials, the annual FGMR general meeting, the presentation of all division awards and a small cultural programme. Details can be found on the website (see link above), where also a summarizing invitation-flyer can be downloaded.
Please pass on the conference information to potentially interested parties and register in large numbers in the coming weeks to make the conference a success.
Yours sincerely,
Burkhard Luy (Head of Organisation Team) and Jörg Matysik (Chairman FGMR)
(sent on their behalf and with best regards by Benno Meier )
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