Electron-decoupled MAS DNP with N@C60 #DNPNMR

Published: Monday, 27 March 2023 - 10:00 -0400

Author: Thorsten Maly

Alaniva, Nicholas, Edward P. Saliba, Patrick T. Judge, Erika L. Sesti, Wolfgang Harneit, Björn Corzilius, and Alexander B. Barnes. “Electron-Decoupled MAS DNP with N@C60.” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 25, no. 7 (2023): 5343–47.


Frequency-chirped microwaves decouple electron- and 13C-spins in magic-angle spinning N@C60:C60 powder, improving DNP-enhanced 13C NMR signal intensity by 12% for 7 s polarization, and 5% for 30 s polarization. This electron decoupling demonstration is a step toward utilizing N@C60 as a controllable electron-spin source for magic-angle spinning magnetic resonance experiments.