Prof. Dominik Bucher | MR using Spin Defects in Diamond #DNPNMR

Published: Wednesday, 07 June 2023 - 10:00 EDT

Author: Thorsten Maly

Dear all,

During the 69th Global NMR meeting, Prof. Dominik Bucher at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will give a tutorial talk on:

Nano- and microscale magnetic resonance spectroscopy using spin defects in diamond


Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), one of the most powerful analytical techniques in chemistry and life sciences, is typically limited to macroscopic volumes due to its inherent low sensitivity. This excludes NMR spectroscopy from the analysis of microscopic sample sizes, such as in single-cell biology or microfluidic applications. In recent years, it has been shown that NMR signals from nano- to microscale volumes can be detected by a new class of sensors - quantum sensors based on defects in the diamond lattice - the nitrogen vacancy (NV) centre. In this talk, I will first introduce NV centres and explain how these atom-sized sensors can be used to detect NMR signals. In the second part, I will provide an overview of this rapidly developing technology and discuss potential applications ranging from surface and materials science to lab-on-a-chip applications.

Bio: 2022 - now Professor, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
2019 - 2022 Independent group leader, Technical University of Munich (TUM)
2019 - 2015 Postdoc, Harvard University
2015 Ph. D. in Physics, Ludwigs Maximilians University (LMU)
2010 Master & Bachelor in Chemistry, Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Webinar details: Time: Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, 8:00 AM California/ 11:00 AM Boston/ 5:00 PM Paris/ 8:30 PM Delhi

Webinar Link:

This will be the last talk during our Spring series of seminars and our Fall 2023 webinar series will begin on August 15th, 2023.

The 2nd annual Global NMR Twitter Conference will be held from July 19-21 (poster attached). Register by July 7th to present:

For more information on the previous talks and future events and to learn more about us, please see our website and our YouTube channel:

Best regards,

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