A brisk walk through the fields of relaxation, saturation, and exchange: from solid state NMR to in-vivo imaging.

Published: Wednesday, 20 December 2023 - 10:00 -0400

Author: Thorsten Maly

Vinogradov, Elena. “A Brisk Walk through the Fields of Relaxation, Saturation, and Exchange: From Solid State NMR to in-Vivo Imaging.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Open, August 2023, 100130.


Since the introduction of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) phenomenon, followed by the introduction of NMR spectroscopy, the field has truly exploded and evolved into technologies and methods that were inconceivable in the early days, such as clinical imaging. The basic concepts in NMR such as relaxation, exchange, etc., became the focus of many early studies and remain the cornerstone of any MR methodology. Yet, the connection between different Magnetic Resonance areas, such as solid-state NMR, protein NMR and in-vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) could be challenging and, thus, it is often lost or ignored. At the same time the early works on topics such as relaxation and exchange, mostly performed in solid-state NMR have shaped the field and led to the development of MRI contrast as we know it today.