A compact X-Band ODNP spectrometer towards hyperpolarized 1H spectroscopy #DNPNMR #ODNP

Published: Friday, 11 September 2020 - 14:00 UTC


Überrück, Till, Michael Adams, Josef Granwehr, and Bernhard Blümich. “A Compact X-Band ODNP Spectrometer towards Hyperpolarized 1H Spectroscopy.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, April 2020, 106724.


The demand for compact benchtop NMR systems that can resolve chemical shift differences in the ppm to sub-ppm range is growing. However due to material and size restrictions these magnets are limited in field strength and thus in signal intensity and quality. The implementation of standard hyperpolarization techniques is a next step in an effort to boost the signal. Here we present a compact Overhauser Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (ODNP) setup with a permanent magnet that can resolve 1H chemical shift differences in the ppm range. The assembly of the setup and its components are described in detail, and the functionality of the setup is demonstrated experimentally with ODNP enhanced relaxation measurements yielding a maximal enhancement of -140 for an aqueous 4Hydroxy-TEMPO solution. Additionally, 1H spectroscopic resolution and significant enhancements are demonstrated on acetic acid as a solvent.