Annual Meeting COST EUROHYPERPOL Zurich, June 27-29

Published: Wednesday, 09 April 2014 - 22:56 UTC


From the Amper Magnetic Resonance List:

Dear colleagues,

the annual meeting of the COST action TD1103 “European Network for Hyperpola-

rization Physics and Methodology in NMR and MRI” (

will take place before the EUROMAR 2014 in Zurich from June 27-29. The COST

action tries to bring together researcher working on various aspects of

hyperpolarization techniques (DNP, PHIP, SEOP, CIDNP) from fundamental

research to applications.

The annual meeting will start with a tutorial session covering the various

methods of hyperpolarization and a few plenary talks. The main focus of the

meeting will be on the working groups that are organized by the working group

leaders ( There will also

be a poster session on Friday evening. A prelimnary program can be found on

the EUROMAR 2014 webpage ( which will

be updated as more details become available.

The COST action can provide funding for early-stage researchers (PhD students

and postdocs) that give an oral presentation in one of the working-group

sessions or present a poster. Only one researcher per research group can be

supported. Requests for funding require submission of a poster abstract or

an abstract for an oral presentation that has been approved by the WG leader.

Abstracts (in MS Word format) as well as contact information should be sent by

email to Registration and abstracts have to

be received before April 30 to be considered for funding.

Registration is now open through the EUROMAR webpage (

The registration fee is Euro 50.- which covers mostly coffee, lunches, and

other organizational expenses.

Best regards,

Matthias Ernst

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| Matthias Ernst                         | Phone: +41-44-632-4366            |

| ETH Zürich, HCI D 227                  | Fax:   +41-44-632-1621            |

| Laboratorium für Physikalische Chemie  |                                   |

| Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 10              | Email:               |

| CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland            |                |
