Direct enzyme-substrate affinity determination by real-time hyperpolarized (13)C-MRS

Published: Wednesday, 29 October 2014 - 14:00 UTC


Friesen-Waldner, L.J., et al., Direct enzyme-substrate affinity determination by real-time hyperpolarized (13)C-MRS. Chem Commun (Camb), 2014. 50(89): p. 13801-4.

A specialized kinetic analysis of real-time hyperpolarized [1,1,2,2-D4, 1-(13)C]choline (13)C-magnetic resonance spectroscopy enabled the determination of initial rates of metabolic enzyme activity (choline oxidase), enzyme-substrate affinity (Km), and inhibition. In a clinical MRI scanner, metabolite levels lower than 16 muM were detected at a temporal resolution of 1 s.