DNP visiting scientist positio at NHMFL

Published: Wednesday, 12 November 2014 - 23:26 UTC


From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

A visiting scientist position is available at the U.S. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (NHMFL) in Tallahassee Florida as part of a major initiative on Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) including magic-angle spinning (MAS) DNP, dissolution DNP and Overhauser solution DNP. The position will be focused primarily on but not limited to MAS DNP. A Bruker 600MHz DNP system has recently been installed and a 600MHz field-sweepable wide-bore magnet will be delivered soon to the NHMFL. The visiting scientist is expected to develop independent and collaborative research in chemical, biological and material applications of DNP as well as DNP instrumentation and technology. The scientist will work within a team of faculty and engineers through the NMR, EMR and AMRIS programs and in collaboration with users of the NHMFL facilities. 

Minimum qualifications include a Ph.D. in Chemistry, Physics, Biology or a related discipline. Experience in DNP is expected. To apply, please send a CV, a cover letter describing your experience and research interests, and contact information for three references to 

Zhehong Gan 

National High Magnetic Field Laboratory 

1800 E. Paul Dirac Dr., Tallahassee, FL 32310, USA 



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