Improved Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Surface-Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy through Controlled Incorporation of Deuterated Functional Groups

Published: Friday, 25 January 2013 - 15:00 UTC


Zagdoun, A., et al., Improved Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Surface-Enhanced NMR Spectroscopy through Controlled Incorporation of Deuterated Functional Groups. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2013. 52(4): p. 1222-5.

In a spin: The use of deuterated surface passivation agents is shown to restore dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) surface-enhanced NMR signals that are reduced in substrates containing methyl groups, while still protecting sensitive sites on the surface. Furthermore, apolar groups such as [D(9) ]-trimethylsiloxy (TMS) repel radicals (yellow) away from the surface, thus diminishing detrimental paramagnetic effects induced by radical proximity.