LIGHT-SABRE enables efficient in-magnet catalytic hyperpolarization

Published: Friday, 07 November 2014 - 16:00 UTC


Theis, T., et al., LIGHT-SABRE enables efficient in-magnet catalytic hyperpolarization. J Magn Reson, 2014. 248C(0): p. 23-26.

Nuclear spin hyperpolarization overcomes the sensitivity limitations of traditional NMR and MRI, but the most general method demonstrated to date (dynamic nuclear polarization) has significant limitations in scalability, cost, and complex apparatus design. As an alternative, signal amplification by reversible exchange (SABRE) of parahydrogen on transition metal catalysts can hyperpolarize a variety of substrates, but to date this scheme has required transfer of the sample to low magnetic field or very strong RF irradiation. Here we demonstrate “Low-Irradiation Generation of High Tesla-SABRE” (LIGHT-SABRE) which works with simple pulse sequences and low power deposition; it should be usable at any magnetic field and for hyperpolarization of many different nuclei. This approach could drastically reduce the cost and complexity of producing hyperpolarized molecules.