[NMR] PhD student position in hyperpolarized MRI of stroke

Published: Tuesday, 17 January 2017 - 14:30 UTC


From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

A PhD student position funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) is available on Hyperpolarized MRI of stroke and neuroprotection. 

The project is a collaboration between the School of Health Sciences – Geneva, the Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging – EPFL and the Stroke Laboratory – CHUV.

The overall goal of the thesis is to study the neuroprotection mechanisms of lactate in ischemic stroke using hyperpolarized MRI in a mouse stroke model (MCAO). The project involves optimizing and applying MR tools for hyperpolarized metabolic imaging including hyperpolarization, pulse sequences and protocols.

The project has access to MRI scanners (preclinical 9.4T/ 14T/ 0.1T and human scanner 3T/ 7T), custom-design Dissolution - DNP polarizers (5T and 7T), a custom-design spin exchange optical pumping set-up and state of the art facilities for rodent surgery, molecular biology, biochemistry, and behavioral studies.

The successful candidate will have a strong interest in biomedical applications, be able to work independently in a multidisciplinary team; get acquainted with new methods quickly, and be willing to work with experimental hardware and with animals. With a master or equivalent, preferably in MR physics, biomedical imaging, biomedical engineering or related field, the candidate should have good communication skills and programming experience with matlab and/or C/C++.

French speaking proficiency and experience with MR sequence programming and signal/image processing is a plus. The project involves regular travels between Lausanne and Geneva.

Applicants should send by email a CV, motivation statement, master final marks, publications if any and references (with e-mail addresses) to: 






Mor Mishkovsky, PhD

e-mail: mor.mishkovsky@epfl.ch

Phone: +41-(0)21-69-30590

Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic Imaging (LIFMET)

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)


CH F1 626 (Bâtiment CH)

Station 6

CH-1015 Lausanne (VD)



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