[NMR] PhD thesis proposal (Paris Montpellier, France) - October 2020 #DNPNMR

Published: Thursday, 02 July 2020 - 13:12 +0000


Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a phD student :

Title: The Observation of low Gyromagnetic ratio nuclei in biomaterial Environments Through Hyperpolarization Enhanced magnetic Resonance

Financing: Agence Nationale de la Recherche

Starting Date: between october and december 2020

Objectives : The proposed Ph.D. thesis aims at optimizing 43Ca DNP NMR for the analysis of Ca environments in synthetic biomaterials, and then extending this new technique to the in-depth study of bones of normal and genetically engineered mice, in view of expanding our understanding of human bone pathologies.
Moreover, the investigation of other poorly-sensitive cations of biological relevance (Mg2+, K+) using these new DNP methods will be looked into, to gain additional information on the structure of biomaterials.

A first part of the work will be dedicated to the synthesis of a variety of model calcium-phosphate samples, starting from purely hydroxyapatite phases (the main inorganic component of bones and teeth) and then switching to surface-grafted compounds and more biologically-relevant and biomimetic hybrids. Each of these compounds will be elaborated by using or adapting previously-published protocols and fully characterized by standard analytical techniques, including “conventional” multinuclear solid state NMR, before moving to DNP analysis. Moreover, for each phase, computational models will be developed, involving first principles calculations of NMR parameters, to ensure a proper interpretation of the DNP spectra.

A second part will be focused on the study of local cation environments in pathological mice bones using DNP NMR experiments. This final objective is to highlight the variability of the calcium environments at the collagen/mineral interface when comparing healthy and impaired tissues, and to establish the link between NMR descriptions at the molecular level and the changes in functional properties in bones of the pathological mice, or, in other words, at determining which are the molecular-level changes that could impact bone density and resistance to fracture.

Environment: This thesis will take place at the Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Paris in Sorbonne Université (https://lcmcp.upmc.fr/site/smiles/) and the Institut Charles Gerhardt in Montpellier (https://www.icgm.fr/imno). Part of the work will also be performed in strong collaboration with CEA Grenoble for DNP experiments, and the Centre de Physiopathologie Toulouse Purpan for studies on pathological mice bones.

Application: Interested candidates should email their CV an application and recommandation letters to:
Pr Christel GERVAIS (LCMCP, christel.gervais_stary@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Pr Christian BONHOMME (LCMCP, christian.bonhomme@sorbonne-universite.fr)
Dr Danielle Laurencin (ICGM, danielle.laurencin@umontpellier.fr)
-- ————————————– Dr Christel GERVAIS - Professeur Laboratoire de Chimie de la Matiere Condensée de Paris Sorbonne Université Case courrier 174 4 place Jussieu 75252 PARIS cedex 05 Aile 34-44, 4e étage, porte 424 Tel : 33-1-44-27-63-35 e-mail : christel.gervais_stary@sorbonne-universite.fr-—————————————–

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