[NMR] Post-doctoral position in MAS-DNP, Lyon, France #DNPNMR

Published: Thursday, 01 September 2016 - 12:04 UTC


From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

A post-doctoral position is available in MAS-DNP at the High-Field NMR Center of Lyon (France)

Contact: Anne Lesage (anne.lesage@ens-lyon.fr)

The project will be developed at the Center for Very High Field NMR in Lyon, a research unit of the Institute of Analytical Sciences, affiliated with the CNRS, the UCBL and the ENS de Lyon.

The project will focus on the development of new strategies for high-field DNP enhanced solid-state NMR spectroscopy. It will include i) the implementation of new NMR methods tailored for high-field and fast MAS DNP, ii) the development of a novel generation of polarizing agents and iii) the application of these approaches to the investigation of challenging systems in materials science and structural biology.

Working environment: The High-Field NMR center of Lyon hosts two DNP systems operating at 400 MHz WB / 263 GHz and 800 MHz WB / 527 GHz. Both instruments are equipped with 3.2 and 1.3 mm DNP probes. In addition the center hosts 4 other NMR spectrometers (500 MHz WB, 700 MHz, 800 MH and 1000 MHz), all equipped with state-of-the-art solid-state NMR hardware. The NMR research groups of the CRMN are of worldwide-recognized excellence, notably in the field of solid-state NMR of materials and proteins, as well as in the field of hyperpolarisation techniques. The project will be carried out in an international environment, using a unique equipment worldwide, and in collaboration with leading groups in NMR spectroscopy and in radical design.

If you are interested, please send your application (a detailed CV and a motivation letter) to: anne.lesage@ens-lyon.fr



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