[NMR] Preclinical MRI Staff Scientist Position at The Weizmann Institute

Published: Monday, 09 May 2016 - 14:18 UTC


From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List

The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, seeks candidates for the position of a tenure-track staff scientist in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The scientist will be in charge of the Institute’s central core MRI/MRS preclinical facilities which include a state-of-the-art 15.2 T preclinical animal imaging magnet, one of the first of its kind worldwide, as well as a 400 MHz wide-bore and 4.7 T magnets. 

About The Work

The work spans a wide range of skills, including: (1.) Working closely with experimental groups at the Institute; setting up and carrying out animal imaging protocols. (2.) Collaborating with Institute scientists in developing new pulse sequences and analysis methodologies for studying in-vivo metabolism, anatomy and physiology. (3.) Overseeing the imaging facilities and ensuring their integrity and viability. 

Candidates should ideally have both a strong quantitative background in magnetic resonance, as well as experience in MRI and animal imaging. However, motivated and outstanding people are encouraged to apply even if they lack some of the necessary prerequisites. 

To Apply

To apply, please email your CV to Dr. Assaf Tal, assaf.tal@weizmann.ac.il.

About The Institute.

The Weizmann Institute provides an outstanding intellectual environment within a beautiful campus. It is internationally renown and has played a major role in magnetic resonance. It currently houses multiple labs studying diverse phenomena ranging from electron paramagnetism of proteins to solid state NMR, hyperpolarization techniqeus, in-vivo spectroscopy and imaging in animal models and in humans. Weizmann has recently made unprecedented investments in magnetic resonance, including hiring of multiple new faculty members, and purchasing a 1 GHz NMR liquid state spectrometer, 15.2 T preclinical MRI and 7 T human MRI, among others.


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