Dear colleagues,
The NMR lab of the university of Vienna is participating in the REWIRE (Reinforcing Women in Research, program, a Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions COFUND project funded by the European Commission; the program is offering funding opportunities for a 3-year post doc for a female researcher.
REWIRE has been designed to support researchers in their postdoctoral phase who intend to pursue an academic career. REWIRE has a focus on recruiting ambitious researchers who have the potential to embark on independent research careers.
The chemistry department of the university Vienna is equipped with 7 NMR spectrometers (from 400 to, 700 MHz, as well as a low-field spectrometer and access to DNP and EPR facilities), if you are interested in applying to the program or if you know anyone who might be interested to follow a career with a focus on NMR, please contact me (email:; homepage: for further information.
Kind regards,
Dennis Kurzbach
Ass’t Prof. Dr. Dennis Kurzbach
University Vienna
Institute of Biological Chemistry
Währinger Str.38
1090 Vienna
Tel.: +43-1-4277-70523
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