[NMR] Solid-State NMR specialist permanent position - EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland #DNPNMR

Published: Wednesday, 19 June 2019 - 19:22 UTC


The NMR platform of the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland, is looking for a solid-state NMR specialist (permanent position). 

As a member of the NMR service of the EPFL’s chemistry institute, you will be responsible of all the analysis of the researchers willing to characterize their samples by solid-state NMR. You will have all the freedom to propose new methods to our users in a solving problems approach, using mainly two 400 MHz routine spectrometers, but having as well access to machines used by research group (Emsley group) working at 400, 500 and 900 MHz, equipped for LT/DNP-MAS and VF-MAS (111kHz, 0.7mm).

You will be the reference person in charge of the solid state spectrometers of the EPFL NMR platform (5 spectrometers at 400-900 MHz, 2 gyrotrons and 3 LT-MAS cabinets over a total of 22 NMR machines) and, in coordination with our technical specialist, you will be responsible of the maintenance of these machines.

If you are interested, you can find more information here

https://recruiting.epfl.ch/Vacancies/984/Description/3 (francais)

https://recruiting.epfl.ch/Vacancies/984/Description/2 (English)

Do not hesitate to share.


Aurélien Bornet

Scientific Collaborator

ISIC-NMR Service

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

BCH 1538 (Batochime UNIL)

Av. Forel 2

CH-1015 Lausanne

Tel: +41 (0)21 693 71 61


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