From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List
Summer school Theory of NMR at Schloss Windischleuba 19-25 Feb. 2017
Financed by the Volkswagen-Stiftung will be a summer school on the Theory of NMR at Youth hostel Schloss Windischleuba (40 km South of Leipzig) from Sun/19 (evening) to Sat/25 (morning) Feb. 2017. The school will focus on solid-state NMR. The subjects of the school will cover: basics of quantum mechanics, quantum mechanics for NMR, static solids, MAS, CPMAS, decoupling, recoupling, pulse techniques, AHT, Floquet, Quadrupolar nuclei, polymers, solid bio samples.
Teachers: Prof. Shimon Vega (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rechovot), Prof. Konstantin Ivanov (International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk), Prof. Madhu (TIFR Hyderabad), Prof. Kay Saalwächter (Univ. Halle-Wittenberg), Dr. Chen Song (Univ. Leipzig), Dr. Zdenek Tosner (TUM München).
Organizer: Prof. Jörg Matysik (Univ. Leipzig).
Further information:
Participation and full accommodation will be free.
Transport will be partially supported.
Max number of students = 45.
Deadline for application = 9 Nov 2016.
Decision on participation within a month.
Participants are expected to stay the full period.
For application, please provide: (1) last name, (2) first name, (3) gender f/m, (4) e-mail, (5) country of laboratory, (6) head of laboratory, (7) food veg/nonveg/other, (8) arrival date, (9) departure date, (10) about three sentences describing your research project, (11) about three sentences on your motivation to participate, (12) any further information.
Please send your e-mail to:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Matysik
skype: joerg.matysik
Institut für Analytische Chemie
Universität Leipzig
Linnéstr. 3 (visit)
Johannisallee 29 (mail)
D-04103 Leipzig
Tel: +49-341-9736112 (direct)
Tel: +49-341-9736100 (Secr.)
Fax: +49-341-9736115
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