April 16, 2014 - Pravdivtsev, A.N., et al., Level Anti-Crossings are a Key Factor for Understanding para-Hydrogen-Induced Hyperpolarization in SABRE Experiments.
April 14, 2014 - Plaumann, M., et al., Parahydrogen-induced polarization transfer to 19F in perfluorocarbons for 19F NMR spectroscopy and MRI.
April 11, 2014 - Koers, E.J., et al., Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR Spectroscopy: Revealing Multiple Conformations in Lipid-Anchored Peptide Vaccines.
April 9, 2014 - From the Ampere Magnetic Resonance List DNP/EPR Staff Scientist for Bruker AVANCE 400 DNP NMR system and EMX plus EPR system**
April 9, 2014 - From the Amper Magnetic Resonance List: Dear colleagues, the annual meeting of the COST action TD1103 “European Network for Hyperpola-
April 9, 2014 - Jensen, P.R., et al., Real-time DNP NMR observations of acetic acid uptake, intracellular acidification, and of consequences for glycolysis and alcoholic fermentation in yeast.