EPR / DNP / NMR Literature Blog

Temperature dependence of high field 13C dynamic nuclear polarization processes with trityl radicals below 35 Kelvin

September 6, 2013 - Walker, S.A., et al., Temperature dependence of high field 13C dynamic nuclear polarization processes with trityl radicals below 35 Kelvin.

[NMR] Course on "Dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization" November 13-15, 2013 at EPFL, Switzerland

September 5, 2013 - From the AMPERE list: We would like to announce a three-day course for PhD students and Post-Docs on

Large Molecular Weight Nitroxide Biradicals Providing Effi-cient Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at Temperatures up to 200 Kelvin

September 5, 2013 - Zagdoun, A., et al., Large Molecular Weight Nitroxide Biradicals Providing Efficient Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at Temperatures up to 200 K.

First tests of a 527 GHz gyrotron for dynamic nuclear polarization

September 2, 2013 - Felch, K., et al. First tests of a 527 GHz gyrotron for dynamic nuclear polarization. in Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 2013 IEEE 14th International.

An apparatus for pulsed ESR and DNP experiments using optically excited triplet states down to liquid helium temperatures

August 30, 2013 - Eichhorn, T.R., et al., An apparatus for pulsed ESR and DNP experiments using optically excited triplet states down to liquid helium temperatures.

In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of hyperpolarized silicon particles

August 28, 2013 - Cassidy, M.C., et al., In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of hyperpolarized silicon particles. Nat Nano, 2013.