Rapid Natural-Abundance 2D (13) C-(13) C Correlation Spectroscopy Using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-State NMR and Matrix-Free Sample Preparation

Published: Wednesday, 21 November 2012 - 16:00 UTC


Takahashi, H., et al., Rapid Natural-Abundance 2D (13) C-(13) C Correlation Spectroscopy Using Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Solid-State NMR and Matrix-Free Sample Preparation. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, 2012. 51(47): p. n/a-n/a.4


Ultra-fast: Substantial solid-state NMR sensitivity can be achieved using dynamic nuclear polarization and matrix-free sample preparation (that is, absence of solvent and cryoprotectant). This method avoids line-broadening, maximizes sample filling factor, and allows natural-abundance 2D (13) C-(13) C dipolar correlation experiments to be carried out in tens of minutes. MW=microwaves.